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UI Sucks CrazyAmphibian - 1/dec/2023

i've been working on the new game. there's a lot of work involved - as with any game, really.
bugtesting, design, more bugtesting, programming.
i'd really say that the hardest part of game design is the UI. it requires so much effort to make something that looks even passable, and functional.
it's piss easy to make a bunch of code that does something. Harder is making it respond to user inputs and display such.
and the hardest is doing so well. not that it matters. AAA games routinely pump out some of the worst UIs known to mankind.

as usual, here's some images for you - feast thine eyes!

and no, i'm still not going to say what it is. my hope is the suspense will make you be like "oh wow this is interesting" or something of the sort.
so figure it out!