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What comes next? CrazyAmphibian - 25/oct/2023

SSTD has been released for a few days, and, to be honest, the numbers are... lackluster to say the least.
if i were a more positive person, i'd say something like "they can only go up!" or the sort.
but i'm not like that.

i have no confidence that they'd improve too much, really. perhaps i'm just too pessimistic.

what will happen to SSTD now?

simple, really. I'll continue making patches for bugs and the like for a while, as long as i have time to spare (which i do at the moment)
there's some planned stuff in the works with it too. features (well, one), and localization to add (Elo is a busy man)

what's in store for the future of DGS?

well, i have a few ideas in my head as for plans for future games. 2 namely, and in fact, 1 i am looking into developing now (the scrapped one from a year ago).
Elo also has his own ideas, but weather or not i'll be too involved there (or even have the DGS name attached to it) remains unknown - plus, i'd hate to spoil what he's got planned!

tl;dr: keep throwing shit at the wall until something sticks.